Beyond using FlowEQ to file new complaints and quality processes from your CRM, you can also use the Arena Update Quality Process to edit and add more details to existing processes.
When a quality process (a complaint for example) is created using the Arena Create Quality Process steptype, FlowEQ will associate that complaint with the CRM record or ticket it was created from. This Update Quality Process steptype relies on that prior association to identify which Arena complaint to update.
The title appears in Sidekick when your team reaches this step. If your team is using this step to add specific details to a quality process, we recommend summarizing those details here.
Automatically Run Step on Launch?
Check this box to immediately update the quality process when your team reaches this step. Your team will not have a chance to update any details manually so you'll need to fully configure the steptype in Flow Builder.
Hide Attachment options?
If all you need is field data passed from your CRM into Arena, check this box to hide the prompt for your team to upload files. Leave this box unchecked if you want your team to upload files like PDF documents or photos.
Use this field to select the type of quality process in Arena you wish to update. For example, complaint or CAPA.
Choose Attributes to Update
Use this table to specify the Arena Quality Process fields you wish to update, and what to update them with.
- Order
- Use this field to set the order in which the Arena fields will be displayed in Sidekick.
- Attribute
- Select the attribute associated with your earlier Template selection you wish to update.
- Attribute Type
- Specify the type of Attribute field to be updated from the following options: Array, Date, Number, Single Line, and Text.
- Value Type
- Specify the type of value, template or Field, to be written into the specified Attribute field
- Value
- Enter the actual values you want to be written into the specified Attribute field.
- You can hard code the values, or use the ➕ button to pull data as a variable from your CRM ticket fields and other FlowEQ-connected systems, or both.
- Hidden?
- Check this box to prevent your team from seeing this field in Sidekick. If left unchecked, the field will appear as read-only in Sidekick.
- Manual?
- Check this box to make this field appear as read/write in Sidekick, allowing your team to make changes if needed. If left unchecked, the field will remain read-only.
- Required?
- Check this box to make filling out the specified field compulsory. If checked, your team will not be able to advance to the next step in the flow unless this field is filled.
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