EasyPost is a Shipping API that solves complex logistics problems for eCommerce businesses, enabling them to deliver an online shopping experience. It's a powerful tool for tracking the ins and outs and on-the-ways of shipping logistics, making it a perfect pairing for FlowEQ.
With the EasyPost Search Shipments steptype, you can search the customer's email in EasyPost and pull up the tracking details of their shipment right there in your support ticket or case. No more copying, pasting, and bouncing between tabs.
Once this step connects a shipment to support ticket, your team can use EasyPost variables for the rest of the Sidekick session. You can then use those variables with the Send Public Message steptype for your CRM to write and send custom customer response templates.
The title appears up top in Sidekick when your team reaches this step in the flow. We recommend using it here to concisely describe whose shipment is being looked for and why.
Enter Trailing Start Days
Set this field to the number of days back in time when you want to begin your search window.
Enter Trailing End Days
Set this field to the number of days back in time when you want to stop your search window.
For example, if you want to search for records that were created just two weeks ago, set the search Trailing Start Days to 14 and the Trailing End Days to 7.
Automatically Start Searching when Step Activated?
Use this field to immediately search for the customer's email address in EasyPost by selecting Yes, Using Customer Email or No to give your team a manual search button when this steptype appears in Sidekick.
Auto Complete when Tracking Link
Check this box to automatically move onto the next step once the search finds a matching shipment in EasyPost.
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