Among the many forms of modern communications, text messages are still by far the most accessible to the public. Texts are easy, timely, and incredibly convenient - perfect sending notifications to you customers and team members.
Use the Twilio Send Text Message to integrate text message alerts and messaging into your flows.
The title appears up top in Sidekick when your team reaches this step in the flow. We recommend using this flow to concisely summarize the contents and intent of the text message for your team.
Select Account - Run Automatically?
Check this box to automatically use the specified Twilio account to send your message.
Account Name
Use this field to select which Twilio account the text message will be sent from.
- Hide Selection Field
- Check this box to prevent your team from seeing a dropdown with all Twilio accounts from which the text message will be sent in Sidekick.
- Hide?
- Check this box to prevent a single Twilio account from being presented as a choice for your team in Sidekick.
- Show?
- Check this box to offer a single Twilio account for your team to use to send text messages.
- Default?
- Check this box to set a default Twilio account for sending text messages in Sidekick. If the Show? box is checked, your team will see the default and be able to change it on the fly.
Send Text - Run Automatically?
Check this box to automatically send a text message when your team reaches this step in the flow. You will need to fully build out the text message template in Flow Builder, as your team won't be given the chance to change the text message in Sidekick before it is sent.
To Phone Number
Use this field to set the phone number of the text message recipient. You can hard code the number in manually, leave it blank for your team to fill out in Sidekick, or most likely, use the ➕ variable button to pull in the customer's phone number from your CRM or other FlowEQ-connected system.
You can also check the Hide Field in Sidekick? box to prevent your team from reading or changing the phone number is Sidekick before the text message is sent.
Message Body
Use this field to compose the text message itself. Similar to the phone number field, you can hard code the message here in Flow Builder, leave it blank for your team to fill out in Sidekick, or pull in variables from other systems with the ➕ button, or any combination of the three.
Similar to the Phone Number field, checking the Hide Field in Sidekick? field will prevent your team from reading or editing the text message before it's sent. This is fine if your text messages are intended to be fairly standard alerts or notifications, but you may want to leave this box unchecked so your team can give the message a persona touch.
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