GitHub is an online software development platform used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects. To give your team the ability to file a new issue in GitHub from within Sidekick on the CRM ticket or case, add the GitHub Open New Issue steptype to your flows.
The title appears up top in Sidekick when your team reaches this step in the flow. We recommend using this field to concisely describe what new issue needs to be created, and perhaps why too.
Create Issue - Run Automatically?
Check this box to immediately open the new issue it Github as soon as your team reaches this step in the flow. If checked, you'll need to fully build out this step here in Flow Builder because your team won't be able to make any changes on their own from Sidekick.
Repo Owner Name
Use this field to set the Repo Owner name. This is likely going to remain fixed most of the time. If so, you can check the Hide Field in Sidekick? box to prevent your team from seeing or changing the Repo Owner from Sidekick.
Repo Name
Use this field to set the Repo name. You can hard code a value here, leave it blank for your team to fill out, or use the ➕ variable button to pull in a detail from another FlowEQ-connected system.
If this field will remain fixed in all cases, you can check the Hide Field in Sidekick? to prevent your team from seeing or changing this field, streamlining the flow for your team and making more out of the limited visible space in Sidekick.
Issue Title
Use this field to set the title for the newly created issue. You can hard code a value, leave it blank for your team to fill out in Sidekick, use the ➕ button to pull in details from other systems, or a combination of all three to create a template title.
Issue Body
Use this field to set the content of the body for the newly created issue. If you prefer that issues follow a particular format. you can hard code a template and use the ➕ button to populate that template with details pulled from your other FlowEQ-connected systems.
(Optional) Add fields for the rep to manually populate in Sidekick.
If your Issue Body template needs details that can't be gathered from your systems and must be supplied by your team instead, use the ❇️ green plus button to use a Placeholder Variable.
In the Input Field Label field that appears, you can write a question or prompt for your team to answer in Sidekick. You can then use the accompanying Variable Name to place your team's answer to your prompt in the body of the newly created issue.
In order for your variable to be rendered properly, you'll need to wrap it in variables headers. In the example above, to place this variable...
in the body of the new issue, wrap it in variable headers so it appears as...
<%= input_1 %>
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